Kadak Bhakari / Roti


Original Solapuri Kadak Bhakari and Shenga Chatani. The product consists of only the traditional and original regional variety of Solapuri Kadak Bhakri very famous all over India. It can be served with Indian roti, dosa, bhakri, rice and is used to add crunch and spice to food. It goes well with most Indian breakfast items.Jowari Bhakari, Bhajara Bhakari And Maka Bhakari.


Kadhak Bhakri, a type of roti preferred in Maharashtra and some other Indian states, may provide several health benefits over other grain rotis. Here are some benefits of Kadak Bhakri:

1. **Nutritious**: Kadhaka bhakri is made with millet flour, jowar flour, bajri flour, and millet flour, which contain fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. This can be important for your physical health.

2. **Low in Calories**: Kadhak Bhakri is low in calories and can help in weight control, as it does not have much sweetness like other grain rotis.

3. **Diabetes Control**: Kadak Bhakri has a low glycemic index, which can help in controlling blood sugar status, especially for diabetic patients.

4. **Helps Improve Digestion**: Kadhak Bhakri contains good amount of fiber, which can improve digestion and help prevent constipation.

5. **Healthy Ragvar**: The main unique components present in Kadak Bhakri are calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are important for bone and heart health.

6. **Vitamins and Minerals**: Kadhak Bhakri contains vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, folate, vitamin K, and iron, which are important for physical health.

7. **Helps in filling the stomach and reducing hunger**: The special chatter and flavor of Kadak Bhakri.

Additional information

Weight 1000 g
Dimensions 26 × 15 × 26 cm

Jowari, Bhajara, Maka


10, 25


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