Nachani Bobby | Ragi Fryums


Nachni, also known as Ragi, Consuming nachni can help form part of a balanced and nutritious diet, but note that it should be eaten in moderation and in moderation with meals.


Nachni, also known as Ragi, is a type of grain and may have many health benefits. Here are some important benefits of Nachni (Bobby):

1. **Nutritious**: Nachni provides abundant nutrition. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins (B, thiamine, niacin), and minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron). All these nutrients are important for physical health.

2. **Helps in improving digestion**: Nachni contains good amount of fiber, which can improve digestion and help prevent constipation.

3. **Weight Control**: Nachni is low in calories and fat, due to which it can help in weight control.

4. **Diabetes Control**: Nachni flour has low glycemic index, which can help in controlling blood sugar condition.

5. **For bones**: Nachni contains calcium and magnesium, which can help in improving bone health.

6. **Control of internal diseases**: Antioxidants are present in Nachni, which can help in reducing the risk of cancer and other internal diseases.

7. **Helps in controlling appetite**: Consuming fiber in Nachni can reduce appetite, so that you will not feel hungry for a long time.

8. **For Cellular Health**: Nachni flour can help protect the body from accidental radiation and improve cellular health.

Consuming nachni can help form part of a balanced and nutritious diet, but note that it should be eaten in moderation and in moderation with meals.

Additional information

Weight 1200 g
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 15 cm

1kg, 500g


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